What Therapies I Offer

A new you is within your reach

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT has become very well known as a treatment of choice for symptoms of anxiety and depression. It seeks to change distressing behaviour relatively quickly by challenging unhelpful thoughts and beliefs and teaching the client to use coping strategies in the future. People with compulsive and obsessive disorders, fears, phobias and addictions tend to benefit from this type of therapy. A willingness to do homework tasks in between sessions is considered very important.

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy places a lot of emphasis on helping the client understand their non-verbal and body language, here-and-now behaviour and potential for positive change. The client will be encouraged, and sometimes challenged, to accept responsibility for his or her actions, decisions and feelings. It is likely to be suited to people who are willing to try to do this.

Multimodal therapy

This is an example of an integrative approach originating in behaviour therapy. This approach uses broader techniques by looking at how the client functions overall in many areas of their life.

Psychodynamic Counselling

Psychodynamic counselling focuses on the unconscious mind and past experiences, and explores their influence on current behaviour. You will be encouraged to talk about childhood relationships with parents and other significant people. As part of the therapy you may transfer and pass on deep feelings about yourself, parents and others to the therapist. Although psychodynamic counselling can be practised in a short series of sessions, it is more usual for it to be a relatively lengthy process.

Relationship counselling

Relationship counselling aims to help people recognise and manage differences and negative patterns within their relationships. The therapist will explore your feelings and how you communicate. The aim is to help you find ways to change and adapt for a more positive future.

Solution-focused brief therapy

This kind of therapy focuses on a particular issue and promotes positive change, rather than dwelling on the issue or past problems. You are encouraged to focus positively on what you do well, your strengths and resources and to set goals to achieve the changes you want to make. It is likely to appeal to people who prefer a highly practical, goal-oriented approach to problem-solving.